Augustana College, Nov. 14

I met with the Koinonia group on the campus of Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD yesterday (see photo). This group gathers to explore the topic of vocations in ministry and I was invited to share the “top ten things every first year seminarian at Luther Seminary should know.” This is my list (drum roll please):
#10. Discernment of a person’s call does not end when they step foot on the campus of the seminary for study.
#9. Luther Seminary offers the following degrees:
- Master of Divinity (MDiv)
- Master of Arts (MA)
- Master of Sacred Music (MSM)
- Master of Theology (MTh)
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
#8. Candidacy: The churchwide process of formation and preparation for professional “rostered” leadership in the ELCA. There are four rosters:
- Ministry of Word and Sacrament: ordained to serve in parish ministry as a pastor.
- Diaconal Ministry: consecrated for ministry of word and service.
- Deaconess: a community of women consecrated for a ministry of word and service.
- Associate in Ministry: commissioned to nurture the whole people of God by providing ministries of leadership and support.
#7. Studies at Luther Seminary are academically rigorous.
#6. Studies at Luther Seminary are theologically challenging.
#5. You will read and write A LOT.
#4. Luther Seminary is a “laboratory” for Lutheranism. You will find all expressions of ELCA congregational life represented. Also, Luther Seminary has a large and diverse faculty.
#3. Technology: Our campus is entirely wireless, communications from faculty and staff to student through this medium is highly used and classrooms are multimedia ready.
#2. You will create colleagues for life among your classmates and relationships with staff and faculty that will continue to be of support when you leave campus.
#1. The Finish Bistro located in the village near the seminary has the best snicker-doodle cookies in all the Twin Cities.
My thanks to Pastor Paul Rohde, campus pastor, for the "top ten" idea and the opportunity to meet and share with this wonderful group; it was a delight.