Monday, February 20, 2006

Day in the Life

Luther Seminary offers three ways for prospective students to come and visit:
  1. individually (any time that is convenient for them and the school)
  2. during "Ventures in Vocation" (held in the fall, mainly for individuals who have been out of college for a while)
  3. during "Day in the Life" (held in the spring, mainly for college-age individuals)
This past Sunday and Monday, Feb. 19-20, "Day in the Life" was held here on campus. It gathered 30+ individuals, all interested in possible future study at Luther Seminary.

Over the 24-hour period these individuals had the opportunity to attend classes, attend daily chapel, meet with current students, visit professors in their homes and enjoy dessert, ask questions, enjoy meals and spend time together in fellowship and conversation with one another. Everyone who attended found the experience beneficial in their process of discernment regarding seminary study.

I had the opportunity to interact with students most directly during meal times and at a seminar I helped lead. It was fun to see students here on campus that I had met out on the road. Many thanks to our student hosts and staff whose hospitality and knowledge of the seminary really provide excellent resources for these prespective students, but more importantly spoke from the heart about this place and made it all the more real for those visiting.

South Dakota - Feb. 13-15, 2006

Just returned from a trip to South Dakota visiting with prospective students at schools along Interstate 29.

First stop Monday, Feb 13th was at the U of SD in Vermillion. My colleague Krista Breuer from Wartburg Seminary and I met with prospective students Aaron and Adam. Had a chance to break bread with them at the Texas Roadhouse restaurant, answer their questions about seminary study and hear what is happening in Lutheran Campus Ministry at U of SD.

Valentine's Day was spent on the campus of Augustana College, Sioux Falls. Krista and I were joined by colleagues Brian Halverson from Chicago, Louise Johnson from Philly and my boss Ron Olson from Luther. Thanks to the wonderful ministry program by Pastor Paul Rohde we met with 30+ students in the "Pre-sem/Church Vocations Group" both in large group format in the morning and then spent the afternoon having individual appointments. Great conversations all around.

Feb. 15th saw Krista and me back on the road joined by Kevin Stillson who is missionary for the "Answer the Call" initiative of the South Dakota Synod. His calling is to plan discernment events in South Dakota for high school and college age students and to promote the financial and spiritual support of the syond for those preparing for professional ministry.

Our first stop that day was in Brookings on the campus of South Dakota State University where we met up with Pastor Bob Chell at the University Lutheran Center, who put us in contact with a number of students interested in seminary study. We met three of them at the center for conversation and took four more out to lunch.

The last stop on the SD swing was to Northern State University in Aberdeen. We were the guest speakers for the campus ministies regular Wed. night gathering. Had a wonderful time hanging out with students over pizza and kool-aid and giving them information about seminary study. Our thanks to Rhonda Heglund for the organizing and the Peer Ministry group for the hospitality.

It was great to be a part of such wonderful campus ministry programs up and down the eastern section of SD. Let us not forget the vital ministries Lutheran campus ministers are involved in across our coountry not only on our ELCA campuses but the state and university campuses as well. Thanks be to God.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Arizona State University – 2/5/06

My colleagues and I spent Sunday morning at University Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Center on the campus of Arizona State University, attending worship and having lunch with students. Pastor Gary McClusky is the campus pastor and a Gettysburg Seminary grad.

We had a wonderful time meeting with these students and speaking about the opportunities our seminaries can offer them.

Then we hit the road and headed north to Northern Arizona University (NAU) in Flagstaff. When left Phoenix it was 70+ degrees, when we got to Flagstaff it was 50+.

At NAU we worshipped with their Lutheran Campus Ministry community during half time of the Super Bowl (see photo) and then went out to a local restaurant to see the end of the game, eat really good buffalo wings and be in conversation with the students about seminary. The campus Pastor at NAU is David Hahn, a Luther Seminary grad!

ELCA Youth Ministry Extravaganza – Feb. 3-4, 2006

I am off again to Arizona. I am proud of myself that I managed another trip to the Southwest in the deep of winter in Minnesota. Good job, Liza!

This time it's for the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza, an annual gathering of youth workers (paid & volunteer) from around the nation. They come to meet others in their field, listen to powerful speakers, attend workshops, and learn about the latest and best resources for doing youth ministry.

This was my fifth year attending, though it was the first time in my current capacity. I formerly attended when I was working in youth and family ministry, and found this conference invaluable. What I came for most was to hear that the ministry I was doing with youth and their families does and is making a difference. Youth and family ministry is gratifying but also challenging work, so it was nice to be able to come to this conference once a year and be renewed, refreshed and revitalized.

I had new traveling companions this trip. Terri Elton and Krista Lind and Stanley (see photo of us at an airport restaurant). Terri and Krista both on the staff of the new Children, Youth and Family (CYF) Masters Degree program at Luther Seminary. Luther has always had a CYF program, but recently it has been revised and upgraded into one of the most competitive programs in the nation. If you have interest in enhancing the work you do in CYF please have a conversation with me about the program at Luther.

Stanley is the nickname of the new promotional poster for the seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. My colleagues from the other eight seminaries were also present for this event and we set our materials in the display area of the Extravaganza. The poster was dubbed Stanley after a children’s book whose main character is a flat human caricature. I am not familiar with these books, but both Terry and Krista, who have children, were. Stanley got to fly first class on the flight out; although, he was in a coat closet.

While at the Extravaganza I have had opportunity to talk with people about seminary study, host a workshop and attend a luncheon hosted by the seminaries (see photo).

I will be in AZ through Tuesday. After the Extravaganza, my colleagues and I will be visiting ASU, U of A, and NAU. More later.