Tri-Ota, Nov. 10-11
Tri-Ota is the name of the Lutheran Student Movement (LSM) organization for Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) programs in MinnesOTA, North DakOTA and South DakOTA. This past weekend I attended their annual fall retreat in Aberdeen, SD sponsored by the LCM of Northern State University (NSU).
The theme of the event was “Taking Sunday to Monday.” And one of the ways that theme was played out for participants was through round table discussions. Professors and staff from NSU met with young adults in two 45-minute sessions to discuss how they lives out their faith in their professional and daily lives. I, too, was asked to participate in these discussions, and enjoyed sharing my own story as well as hearing about ways others feel they are living out their faith, and what challenges they face (see photo). These are remarkable young people and just by them being at this retreat gives testimony to the priority their faith has in their lives.
Many of the students participated in my small group because they are discerning whether or not seminary study is in their future. Three young people in particular shared the common experience of having others affirm for them that a vocation in ministry is something they should consider and they didn’t dismiss the suggestion. Good for them! And thank you to those who spoke to these young people and let them know that “God could use someone like them.”
Below are some random photos I took of the retreat so you can see the fine young people I spent part of my weekend with. You will notice a number of the young people have swords in a few of the pictures. Let me explain this inside joke: One of the former retreats adopted a "pirate" theme and it stuck. So everytime someone says "Tri-Ota" everyone says "Arrr!" And whichever school brings the most young people to a retreat gets to keep the swords for the year. Bemidji State (home of the Mighty Beavers) has wielded the swords for two retreats now--Arrr!

Many of the students participated in my small group because they are discerning whether or not seminary study is in their future. Three young people in particular shared the common experience of having others affirm for them that a vocation in ministry is something they should consider and they didn’t dismiss the suggestion. Good for them! And thank you to those who spoke to these young people and let them know that “God could use someone like them.”
Below are some random photos I took of the retreat so you can see the fine young people I spent part of my weekend with. You will notice a number of the young people have swords in a few of the pictures. Let me explain this inside joke: One of the former retreats adopted a "pirate" theme and it stuck. So everytime someone says "Tri-Ota" everyone says "Arrr!" And whichever school brings the most young people to a retreat gets to keep the swords for the year. Bemidji State (home of the Mighty Beavers) has wielded the swords for two retreats now--Arrr!

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