Monday, November 21, 2005

Late Entry on Tri-Ota Retreat, Nov. 12

I apologize for this late entry, but I did have the opportunity to attend the Tri-Ota (Lutheran Campus Ministries of Minnesota, North and South Dakota Lutheran Student Movement retreat at Luther Crest Bible Camp in Alexandria, Minnesota.

It was a wonderful time, despite the pouring rain. I had a chance to hang out with the 60+ college students and Lutheran Campus pastors for an afternoon and supper. I was able to have good conversations with interested students and look forward to their spring retreat, in North Dakota, which will focus on discernment and vocation.

I was impressed by how organized the student leaders were and how fired-up everyone was about being a part of Lutheran Campus Ministry/Lutheran Student Movement nationwide and on their local campuses. The spirit is truly moving in the lives of these students.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Well, winter has arrived on the campus of Luther Seminary. Every year it's a shocker, but it's all a part of being in beautiful Minnesota. I am off the road for awhile now and will spend time meeting with perspective students on our campus rather than theirs, as well as getting my life in order at home.

By the way, in this photo I am standing in the Garden of the Resurrection here on campus; a very beautiful place during any season of the year. I did not realize this until it was pointed out to me, but on campus we have the "Chapel of the Incarnation," the "Chapel of the Cross, " and the "Garden of the Resurrection." I believe we have captured the life of Christ well.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Puget Sound Lutheran Volunteer Corps

Yesterday, Nov. 1 (All Saints Day) we (my colleagues and I from the other eight seminaries) had the opportunity to enjoy a meal and fellowship with the Lutheran Volunteer Corps young adults who are living and doing ministry in the Seattle and Tacoma areas of Washington. Meeting with these young people is always such a joy. They have committed themselves, for one year, to do volunteer work with a non-profit organization, to live simply and communally, and whether they know it or not, to be a witness to Jesus Christ to those with whom they work and serve. We were also blessed to have the presence of their coordinator with us as well, Patricia Rengel (back row, left side of picture), who is doing a fantastic job and is such a delightful person. I pray God’s continued blessings on the work of these individuals and all those serving as volunteers across the globe.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest!

I am here for a number of days with my colleagues from the other eight seminaries. We spent Reformation weekend at the campus of Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) under the gracious hosting of Campus Pastors Nancy Connor and Dennis Sepper. (They are husband and wife, by the way, and the dog’s name is Rudy).

While at PLU we were able to worship with the community three times, Saturday evening, Sunday morning and Monday morning. All three services celebrated the Reformation festival in grand fashion and made much use of the musical gifts and talents found on our ELCA college campuses—praise bands, brass ensemble and choirs. It was a treat for the ears.

After each service we had opportunity to meet and answer questions of perspective students. We also hosted a breakfast with the religion faculty and enjoyed food and fellowship with them. It great to be here.