Meeting with the BLOC Heads, 02/15/07
Who are these BLOC Heads, you ask? They are youth ministers serving in Southeast Minnesota Synod of the ELCA, and I attended one of their monthly meetings in Rochester, MN. I'm not sure I was ever told where the name BLOC Heads originated, but one thing is certain, it's creative.

I met with this group to alert them to a program opportunity for their high school youth in conjunction with an upcoming Sr. High Youth Gathering happening in St. Paul, MN this spring. Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA and Luther Seminary are sponsoring an intensive theological experience for high school youth on the campus of Luther Seminary and we want to invite youth from Southeast Minnesota to be there. Many such programs will be offered in Regions 1, 2, and 3 of the ELCA from 2007-2009 for both high school and college age individuals. These programs are part of a grant both seminaries received from the Lily Foundation to provide opportunities for high school and college age individuals to explore the topics of discernment, call, vocation and church professions.
Also on the meeting agenda for the BLOC Heads that day was Paul Hill, adjunct professor in the Children, Youth and Family program at Luther Seminary. Paul was there to talk about the many opportunities available within the Children, Youth and Family degree at Luther including a new focus in outdoor ministry, which will be piloted this fall.
I think when Paul and I left, the BLOC Heads were swimming in ideas for opportunities not only for their youth, but for themselves as well. It's great when people come to know all the ways the seminary can provide help and support to them in their ministry.

I met with this group to alert them to a program opportunity for their high school youth in conjunction with an upcoming Sr. High Youth Gathering happening in St. Paul, MN this spring. Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA and Luther Seminary are sponsoring an intensive theological experience for high school youth on the campus of Luther Seminary and we want to invite youth from Southeast Minnesota to be there. Many such programs will be offered in Regions 1, 2, and 3 of the ELCA from 2007-2009 for both high school and college age individuals. These programs are part of a grant both seminaries received from the Lily Foundation to provide opportunities for high school and college age individuals to explore the topics of discernment, call, vocation and church professions.
Also on the meeting agenda for the BLOC Heads that day was Paul Hill, adjunct professor in the Children, Youth and Family program at Luther Seminary. Paul was there to talk about the many opportunities available within the Children, Youth and Family degree at Luther including a new focus in outdoor ministry, which will be piloted this fall.
I think when Paul and I left, the BLOC Heads were swimming in ideas for opportunities not only for their youth, but for themselves as well. It's great when people come to know all the ways the seminary can provide help and support to them in their ministry.
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