Wilderness Canoe Base, Northern Minnesota
I just returned from a wonderful visit to Wilderness Canoe Base—a Bible Camp located on two islands of pristine forest in Northern Minnesota bordering the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. GORGEOUS!

I had a chance to hang out with the staff (see photos--their serious side & their wild side) for the weekend and made myself available for conversation about seminary study. The questions I was asked most throughout my time were about discernment. These individuals had been affirmed by others as having the gifts for church leadership and were now discerning, within themselves, if this indeed was where the Sprit was calling them. In conversations like these I often like to share what was told to me when I was discerning my call to be a pastor. I asked a pastor from the church I was attending in college how he knew and he said, “I knew when I couldn’t see myself doing anything else.” At that time, those were the words I needed to hear. I hope they can be helpful words for others as well.

My thanks to Jedidiah (camp director and Luther alumna) and Andrea (his wife) Scharmer and the entire staff for their hospitality; it was a delight to be among you. I pray God’s continued blessings on the unique ministry Wilderness has to offer and that more and more people get a chance to experience God in that place.
As an aside, many of you in Minnesota probably heard about the fires in the Boundary Waters Area. Approximately 39 square miles of forest burned. A lightning strike on July 14 started the fire in dead trees blown down in 1999. No lives were lost or property damaged. The fire did come within miles of the camp and all precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the staff, guests and buildings. Many thanks to the US Forestry Service, fire fighters and all who helped keep the blaze within proper boundaries; your knowledge and tireless efforts were greatly appreciated. It will be amazing to see new life rise out of the ashes.

I had a chance to hang out with the staff (see photos--their serious side & their wild side) for the weekend and made myself available for conversation about seminary study. The questions I was asked most throughout my time were about discernment. These individuals had been affirmed by others as having the gifts for church leadership and were now discerning, within themselves, if this indeed was where the Sprit was calling them. In conversations like these I often like to share what was told to me when I was discerning my call to be a pastor. I asked a pastor from the church I was attending in college how he knew and he said, “I knew when I couldn’t see myself doing anything else.” At that time, those were the words I needed to hear. I hope they can be helpful words for others as well.

My thanks to Jedidiah (camp director and Luther alumna) and Andrea (his wife) Scharmer and the entire staff for their hospitality; it was a delight to be among you. I pray God’s continued blessings on the unique ministry Wilderness has to offer and that more and more people get a chance to experience God in that place.
As an aside, many of you in Minnesota probably heard about the fires in the Boundary Waters Area. Approximately 39 square miles of forest burned. A lightning strike on July 14 started the fire in dead trees blown down in 1999. No lives were lost or property damaged. The fire did come within miles of the camp and all precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the staff, guests and buildings. Many thanks to the US Forestry Service, fire fighters and all who helped keep the blaze within proper boundaries; your knowledge and tireless efforts were greatly appreciated. It will be amazing to see new life rise out of the ashes.
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