Two Quick Trips

Young Adults in Global Mission is a year-long opportunity for individuals ages 18-30 to do ministry in international settings in areas such as youth work, ESL instruction and social work. Before leaving the country they are involved in an intense two-week period of training on the campus of the seminary in Chicago. During their training they are invited to a resource fair highlighting a number of church-related ministries which they could consider upon returning from their year in service.
A number of my colleagues from the other seven seminaries were also on hand for conversation and information regarding seminary study. It is amazing to meet these young adults and marvel at their commitment to serving others in the name of Christ and at the sacrifices they are willing to make for a year in order to do so.

The Western Mission Cluster (WMC) seminaries (Luther Seminary, and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, CA) received grant money to offer educational events for high school age individuals on the topics of discernment, vocation and church professions. These educational events will be held in conjunction with already established high school events happening within a synod, region or area, and are targeted toward high schoolers who have been identified as showing promise for a vocation in church service.
The LYO board agreed to allow the WMC seminaries to host such an event at Luther Seminary in conjunction with their senior high youth gathering in March 2007 in St. Paul. Targeted students will come to Luther Seminary to: participate in classes taught by professors; learn about vocation and how best to discern their vocations; meet, participate and learn about church professions; worship, and enjoy a meal. I am so pleased the LYO board agreed to allow the WMC to be a part of their event. It's going to be a great opportunity for all involved.
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