Greetings again from San Antonio!
The festivities of the ELCA Youth Gathering continue and we'll be here until July 16th. As you may know the Gathering takes place over a two-week period, with two identical events back to back. Last week, July 5-9, was the first & this week, July 12-16, is the second. During the days in between the LYO--Lutheran Youth Oranization has its convention.

The LYO (
www.elca.org/lyo) is comprised of elected youth from each of the 65 synods of the ELCA. They are the voice of the youth for our church. During their convention over these past few days they have been busy conducting business, participating in workshops, and having fun. Each day concludes with a mini-concert and snacks before heading off for devotions and a good night's sleep.

The ELCA colleges and seminaries have been invited to be around in the snack area as resourses for youth interested in study at our institutions. For myself and my colleagues at the other seven seminaries this has been a great time for educating the youth about where the seminaries are located and what they have to offer.
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