Monday, July 03, 2006

Green Lake Lutheran Ministries, June 28-30

My travels to various Bible camps continue as the summer progresses. By now staff training is complete and camps are running full steam ahead, which makes meeting with counselors a bit more tricky, but in some ways a lot more fun.

My latest stops were two camps operated by Green Lake Lutheran Ministries: Green Lake Bible Camp and Shores of St. Andrew (both near Willmar, MN).

While camp is in progress, my visits usually begin by introducing myself to the staff either over a meal or during a daily staff meeting. During that time I let them know that I will be around as a resource for the next couple of days, and if anyone is thinking about seminary study, come and talk to me. I also let them know that the church needs good leaders, and they should give serious consideration to leadership in the church, especially if someone has said to them "You know, I think you have the talents, skills, abilities to be a youth minister/pastor/church musician/etc." At this statement I usually see a few heads nodding. After that, since the counselors are busy doing their summer jobs, I hang out with them while they work. This is the fun part. (See photo of me dressed to play “bonkers” with some of the Green Lake staff--a "must game" each week of camp).

During a lull in a game, around the supper table, on the waterfront, on the basketball court, in the craft cabin, or during a counselor’s one-hour break--that's when most of my conversations with prospective students take place. I also ask the permanent staff who they think might be considering seminary or perhaps should be, and I seek those individuals out for conversation.

During this visit I had two inquiries about the Master of Divinity degree and inquiries concerning the dual degree in social work and the children, youth and family degree. The program director at one of the camps will be taking a few classes at Luther this fall, and of the four leaders and one parent I met who brought youth to camp that week, four were Luther graduates and one just finished his first year.

My thanks to the entire staffs at both camps for welcoming me into their midst, especially during this busy time. It was a delight to be with you.


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