First stop on our tour today was to the North Carolina ELCA synod office for noon lunch with the staff. Not only do they have a beautiful facility, but a wonderful staff to match. Over lunch we engaged in mutual conversation regarding prospective students and what each of us does to facilitate the process of raising up and forming leaders for the church. And lo and behold, one of the staff, Tammy West (auburn-haired gal in back row of picture) is getting her master's degree in children, youth and family at Luther Seminary in the distributive learning program!
Many thanks to the entire staff for their hospitality! It was good to meet face to face.

Our afternoon began with a detour on the way to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, to Duke University to see the magnificently beautiful chapel on that campus. WOW! Unfortunately my pictures of the inside did not turn out, but you can just imagine from looking at the outside what awaited you inside. It was a good detour.
Our visit to the Carolinas ended with a Lenten worship service and meal at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, which hosts the Lutheran campus ministry program for UNC. Again, food and fellowship were enjoyed between us and students as we ate. I was privileged to get into a lively discussion with some students regarding Lutheran theology; it was a blast. I love being a Lutheran! I hope the students got as much out of the conversation as I did. Best wishes to Pastor Mark Coulter and his ministry with the students at UNC.
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