On the road in the state of Virginia
A note of apology to my colleague from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. In my last few entries I have misspelled “Louise” Johnson’s first name. It is not “Louis” but Louise. She has already forgiven me, what a great colleague.
When the annual meeting of the ELCA Admissions staff people ended on Monday night, Oct. 3rd, the next morning we broke off into three groups and headed out to visit colleges in Pennsylvania and Virginia. My group (see picture: Tom Henderson, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary; Me; Krista Johnson, Wartburg Seminary; & Louise Johnson, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia) was off to Virginia and to Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; Roanoke College, Salem; and James Madison University, Harrisonburg.
Virginia Tech: met with Lutheran Campus Ministry’s Bill King and Joanna Stallings and the Lutheran Campus Ministry group. Enjoyed a wonderful meal of chicken quesadillas cooked by one of the students, presented a program on discernment followed by discussion, question/answer time and ended with worship.
My favorite question of the evening was from a student who is a cadet: “How do I live out my vocation as a soldier?” A few thoughts from Martin Luther weighed in on the answer as well as great insights from the students.
Roanoke College: Set up our display table outside the cafeteria and spoke to interested students who stopped by. Had lunch with Campus Pastor Paul Henrickson and Assistants to the Bishop, Pastors Dave Delaney and Chip Gunsten.
James Madison University: Met with Pastor Kathleen Haines and Lutheran Presbyterian Campus ministry group at the Episcopal House just off campus--ecumenism at work.
We were also joined by an admissions person from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, I believe. Enjoyed a meal together (everyone loves to get their picture taken while eating—-oh well!) and had a wonderful discussion with question/answer time on the topics of vocation and discernment.
An added bonus to our travels was seeing some unique sights outside our hotels. In Blacksburg there was a Superman in a telephone booth. The ladies and I were waiting for Clark Kent to come out, but for some reason he never showed.
And in Harrisonburg, there was the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile! We had hoped for a ride, but no luck!

I am now sitting in the Dulles airport in Washington DC waiting to board a plane that is now an hour late. The joys of travel!

James Madison University: Met with Pastor Kathleen Haines and Lutheran Presbyterian Campus ministry group at the Episcopal House just off campus--ecumenism at work.

And in Harrisonburg, there was the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile! We had hoped for a ride, but no luck!

I am now sitting in the Dulles airport in Washington DC waiting to board a plane that is now an hour late. The joys of travel!
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