Our morning began with chapel in the "Center for Faith and Life (CFL)" at Luther College, Decorah, IA. My colleague Louise Johnson preached and one of the campus pastors at Luther, Mike Blair presided. We were not only graced by a good word from God, but the Viola Choir provided special music, it was glorious.
We had opportunity throughout the day to meet with perspective students as they visited us in the CFL narthex or met us individually by appointment.

Over lunch we met with another of the campus pastors at Luther, David Vasquez, and a few of the religion faculty: Kristin Swanson, Jim Martin (see picture) and Karla Suomala. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to be in conversation with them about spiritual trends they see in students and how best the seminary can work with students who come from their programs. It was an honest and meaningful conversation.

Our evening ended with a brief stop at the Lutheran Campus Ministry Crossroads building on the campus of Minnesota State University, Mankato. There we met with Campus Pastor Ann Hokenstad (see picture) and a few students. It was wonderful to meet Pastor Ann and see the LCM worship facility; other Campus Ministries would be jealous.
One side note: While at worship at Luther College, the president of the college, Richard Torgerson sat behind me and my colleagues. After we all introduced ourselves to him I informed him we were calling ourselves "Chicks on Tour" since it just so happened on this trip all of us were women.

Upon hearing this, his face lit up, and he told us we had to go to downtown Decorah and visit the "Decorah Chick Hatchery" and get their tee-shirts. So we did (see picture, which also includes the proprietor); it was just the touch we needed to make our travels together complete. Thanks Pres. Torgerson!
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