Friday, September 16, 2005

Meet me at the fair

Career Fair Day at Valpo

Weather report: cool, cloudy, misty, very possible chance of rain. From what I have been told by students and alumni, a typical September day.

After locating a parking spot (not where I was supposed to be), registering, and grabbing a quick breakfast I was off to find my spot in the Career Fair Tent on the campus grounds. I was at table #37, between Loyola University Health Systems, Chicago & MacNeal Health Network, Berwyn, IL, and caddy corner across from Northwestern Health Sciences, St. Paul whose recruiter is former youth from my previous congregation. Small world.

This career fair provides a great opportunity for students to get to know perspective employers as well as graduate school opportunities. I had a number of good conversations with prospective students and gave away lots of CDs, pens, and luggage tags. It was good to get the word out about Luther Seminary.

Rachel and I also had the opportunity to worship with the Valpo community at daily chapel. What a grand space in which to worship. Today was their “contemporary” worship service and it was student led. While at chapel I met the two campus pastors.

Our day at Valpo wrapped up in the early afternoon. We again crawled our way down the freeway, caught our respective flights and arrived back home safely.


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