Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Listening Post Event with President Richard Bliese

Well, yesterday I didn't have to travel too far; just to Apple Valley, a suburb of the Twin Cities, south of St. Paul. I went to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (big church, what we call in the Midwest a “mega-church”: 8,000 baptized members, more than twice the size of the population of the first town where I served) for the first Listening Post event with the new Luther Seminary President, Richard Bliese.

More of these events will be held throughout the Twin Cities and United States over the next year. The events provide an opportunity for congregations to meet the new President, to hear his story and his strategy for the seminary, and most importantly, to inform him about the mission challenges and opportunities that congregations are facing. And that is exactly what happened last night.

Others from the seminary participating in this event were: (see photo from left to right) Jennifer Harsh, M.Div. Middler at Luther; Gerry Rafftery, Seminary Relations; President Bliese; Maria Thompson, Director of Communication; and David Lose, Academic Dean. I, of course, was also there in my capacity as Associate Director of Admissions. I was available for conversations with anyone interested in studying at the seminary, as well as fielding general questions about the school. It was a good night.

As my schedule allows I will be joining President Bliese for more of these events in the coming year, and I am looking forward to it. So watch your mail or your church’s bulletin or newsletter for your invitation to come and meet the President of Luther Seminary, and perhaps even me. It would be a delight.


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